Dachshund Mickey Mouse Costume for the Trick-O-Wieners
A dachshund Mickey Mouse costume is a cool way to do something out of the box with your fur baby this Halloween.
Most first-time doxie owners dress their little wieners as hot dogs. I think a dachshund in a bun is adorable, but I want to dress my Cooper in something that’s not what you’d expect to dress a doxie in. I thought about a dachshund spider costume or a minion outfit, but I like dressing my dachshund as Mickey Mouse does is pretty darn cute and different..
When you really think about it, there’s really not much difference between a dachshund and Mickey. They’re both cute, rambunctious, a little squeaky, and always up for an adventure.
The Perfect Mickey Mouse Costume for a Dachshund
While I haven’t been able to find a Mickey Mouse costume that is made specifically for dachshunds, I have found some that come highly recommended by their owners.
The Mickey Mouse dog costume by NACOCO fits a doxie well. When it comes to dressing a dachshund, fit is everything because they have such odd proportions.
NACOCO makes picking a size easy though, because they give height, length, and chest measurements for each size. I have a mini and a standard dachshund, so I’ve been able to pick a size that’s a good fit.
The only caveat is that Mickey’s shorts are a little long on a dachshund. All you have to do is pin or sew the legs up an inch or so, just enough to where you can see feet. You can see what this doxie mom did, and it looks like it came that way.
One thing I hate about dog outfits is that they’re almost disposable. You usually only get one good wear out of them before they start to fall apart.
This costume, though, is extremely well made. Everything is sewn on, nothing is glued. The arms are stuffed, not floppy, so they’ll stand out to the side when your fur baby trots around. It’s made out of good quality fleece, so I don’t see this costume falling apart in the washing machine anytime soon.
Costume Size Chart
Alfie Pet by Petoga Couture – Bayou Mickey Costume
Pay no attention to the poodle at the right. In his heart, he really wants to be a doxie
Size X-Small:Height 5.1 inches, Neck length 8.7 inches, Back length 7.1 inches
Size Small: Height 5.5 inches, Neck length 9.4 inches, Back length 9.1 inches
Size Medium: Height 5.5 inches, Neck length 10.2 inches, Back length 11.8 inches
Size Large: Height 6.7 inches, Neck length 11.8 inches, Back length 13.8 inches
Size X-Large: Height 7.1 inches, Neck length 13.4 inches, Back length 16.5 inches
Make a Dachshund Mickey Mouse Costume
I really love reading the Crusoe the Celebrity Dachshund blog. He’s hilarious, yeah, but I never realized until recently his manager/owners make most of his costumes themselves. I’ve noticed a lot of times they use stuffed plush toys as a base and make costumes out of them.
I think if you took a 17 inch Mickey Mouse plush toy and went by the directions they gave in the how to make a minion costume video on my previous post you’d get a cute custom outfit for your doxie.
You can tell in this video, that they’ve basically just gutted a Mickey doll, cut off the legs, and added some Velcro in the back to keep it on.
Simple Dachshund Mickey Mouse Outfits
Sometimes a whole costume just isn’t practical. Whether your doxie just doesn’t like wearing clothes, or you just want something simple, you can still give him/her a Mickey vibe with one of these outfits.
Theme Park Merchandise Mickey Mouse Ears for Dog Headband Pet Cat by Disney TailsDisney Parks Mickey Mouse Costume Dog Harness Medium
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