Dachshund Tree Toppers: A Unique Holiday Decoration
You’ve already bought your wiener dog Christmas ornaments, but you need that extra oomph, that something special to top off your Dachshund Christmas Tree. A dachshund Christmas tree topper is just the thing you need to finish off your tree in wiener-ful holiday style.
Who would have Thunk it, A Dachshund Tree Topper?
I am late to the doxie party, I guess. I’ve had a dachshund for the last 10 years. I’ve bought a lot of dachshund Christmas tree ornaments to hang on my tree over the years, but I didn’t know there was even such a thing as a dachshund tree topper.
The past few years, I’ve liked my Christmas trees to have a theme. This year, I am going for a dachshund themed Christmas tree, and now I think I’m going to have to buy a doxie tree topper. Tough choices ahead! I have to do is decide of I want a dachshund angel tree topper, or a more traditional wiener dog star topper.
Dachshund Angel Christmas Tree Topper
This little dachshund angel is very cute, and a good choice if you’re wanting a more traditional looking topper. He’s made out of resin, which means it’s pretty durable. As long as no doxies get a hold of it, that is.
It stands 11 inches tall, which is a pretty large size, so even if you have a large tree, it’s not going to look out of place. They also sell them in set of three if you’re wanting to use the for decorations around the house, or even give as gifts, it’s a pretty good bargain. This shows a black and tan, but a red and a wirehaired dachshund angel (which is rare) is available, too.
Buy an Angel Dachshund Christmas Tree Topper!
I think the thing I love most about this style dachshund Christmas tree topper is the halo that’s floating on top of their heads. As a dachshund owner, I know they’re anything but innocent. But they think they are, and their expressions win me over every time!
A few years ago, I saw a series of human body with a dog head paintings by Thierry Poncelet. He is an artist who got bored painting old aristocratic portraits, and decided to shake things up and paint his dog’s head on the human bodies. These dachshund Tree toppers remind me a lot of those paintings.
Dachshund Red Collection Angel Tree TopperWire Haired Dachshund Collection Angel Tree Topper
My Favorite, the Metal Dachshund Christmas Tree Topper

A dachshund tree topper is an unexpected treat at the top of your tree!
These ones are hands down my favorite, and the metal short haired dachshund topper is the one I’ll be claiming as my own. I was surprised they also have a long haired dachshund topper available. So often smooth haired doxie merchandise is the only type you can find.
I like that even though it’s designed as a tree topper, it isn’t an overt Christmas design. Since it has a clamp on the back, I can use it to decorate my home all through the year, too, so I feel like I am getting my bang for my buck.
Tree topper animated!